Sunday, January 9, 2011


We now-a-days live in a very Stressful world and that affects all of us. Some people are stronger than others, and handle life well. But some other group of us humans, find it difficult to cope with it. What ever the situation might be, some where, some how, some one, either a person we know or a family member, is one of the ones that find it difficult to deal with stress, or with the difficulties that life brings. Some people hide into a hobby dedicating many hours of their life into such hobby, but that is good, some work excessively and stay away from dealing with others. Unfortunately my friends, every where in the world, there are others that hide into addictions. Today our world is very much affected by it.

Unfortunately the person affected by an addiction is the last one to acknowledge the problem. Every body around that person knows it, complaints about it, or are desperately not knowing what to do about the problem. While the one affected is either in denial or already comfortable with it, and that person continues with the same habit day after day. There are other cases, those are the ones that are called the “functional addicted”. This person will be one that continues taking care of their responsibilities some how, keeps a job, but is continues falling into doing what harms themselves, and at the same time dragging love ones into the destruction that comes with it. No matter how we look at it, one thing is for sure, there is destruction at the end of the road.

Sometimes the destruction's come slowly, that we almost do not see it. Often times, comes so sudden that is shocking for everyone at once. Either way, any addiction is there only to ruin us, or ruin others, strangers and love ones alike. The destruction can be devastating at times. Some people get help them selves, acknowledging the problem, others do not, nor allow other to help them. Some people learn to hide so well that is hard to spot it. Either way it is still a problem. When we are not in this world 100% doing what God intended us to be doing, then we represent a minus for every society.

There are organizations that help in cases like this. Some are for the ones that have money and can pay for good counseling treatments, etc., but fortunately there is always A.A., this is reachable for everyone. Now they have it even for people that want to do it from their computer such as: Seems to be, that the person that wants the help will search it themselves, but those are the few. The majority will not seek it, nor acknowledge the problem. Reality is, that no matter our condition and the position we occupy in the society, we are still humans in any part of the world, and any of us, can fall a victim of these entrapment's that vices can bring.

I invite the reader, either for you or for a person that you might know, to keep the link above. It is worthy it. Imagine only if we all humans were pulling to a better world, this whole globe would be in different circumstances. Maybe, just maybe, there would be no kids around the world that go to bed hungry, since we all would be contributing to a better LIFE for us and others. One thing is certain if you or someone you know, are into a situation as described here, do not feel lonely. Do not feel discourage, do not feel that nothing can be done, do not feel less than any body. We all are special in a certain a way. Why not develop the best in you, the Best you can be. It is in you to be a GREAT person. YOU have all the ingredients. All is needed is to be willing to use all your resources, and put them to work for the better YOU and others in this world of ours.

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